With specific thesis proposal reference to noise hazard, the company provides ear masks that the employees are expected to wear, as long as they are in the work place. Indeed, that was an adequate thesis proposal measure to minimize the risks that result from extreme noise.

The custom thesis proposal workers further stressed that, it was an offence to stay in the work-site without the protective devises. Precisely, the explanation indicated that the company had a sense of responsibility to cater for that worker’s safety. Moreover, the thesis proposal workers observed a sense of personal safety measures, through wearing the protective devises during the working hours. Other than the safety gadget, we observed that there were leaflets pinned on the notice boards outlining the safety precautions the workers had to observe. In addition, the mining company has well equipped first aid kit and a team of experts to treat the injured people. Therefore, I deduced that the company has adequate free thesis proposal measures to minimize all the hazards.

In mining industry, the thesis proposal application of hierarchy of control ensures that the workers are safeguarded from the risks and injuries, which are associated with the work environment. The hierarchy starts with the workers since they are the group exposed to the risks than the management. Therefore, they are considered the first lot in the hierarchy of controls as thesis proposal outlined.

Eliminate the thesis proposal risks: This is the most effective control measure in the mining industry. The workers and management should collaborate to ensure that the risk are minimized and possibly eliminated.

Engineering controls: Under this thesis proposal control, the protection of the workers from the harmful exposures that probably occur in most companies.